Wednesday 18 May 2016

World body to manage the Qur'an maintains two Tohalitin for teachers of "managing"

Doha (Ina) - the world body to manage the Koran in Qatar "manage" organized two Tohalitin, within the(qualifying teachers program management) as part of its efforts for the rehabilitation of preachers and spreading the culture of the book of Allah manage the segments of society.  
Rehabilitative program aims to develop the skills of 13 preachers and develop their abilities in reflection, and a culture of managing the book of Allah in accordance with the foundations of systematic and scientific.  
and included the first session which was held under the title (qualifying session to discuss the Koran) to clarify the idea of councils studied the Koran, which includes four head points is the recitation, interpretation and reflection and Testimonial, as well as the methodology and controls the boards seminars statement, and how to establish these councils, and stamped beside the application impractical.  
and included the second session , titled (how to read the seven sleepless and detailed) definition of thekeys to read the fence, and the keys to read the seven sleepless, keys detailed reading, intended keys intents key, The key conditions to get off, the key events, key names of the fence, and Sura key topics, key verses and words refined and prominent, and key sponsorship and downloads.

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