Thursday 19 May 2016

Paris conference on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will be held early next June

BRUSSELS (Ina) - French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault announced in Brussels Thursday (May 19, 2016) that the international conference which was scheduled for late May in Paris to revive the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis will be held on the third of June in order to "enable everyone participation. " 
said Aareault who met with his uS counterpart John Kerry on the sidelines of a meeting of the NATO" We are in a crisis of great concern. the situation on the ground is witnessing a deterioration on a daily basis. " Kerry stressed his part to attend the conference. 
He explained Aareault in a statement distributed by the Foreign Ministry that "this conference, with theparticipation of members of the Quartet countries and partner countries European and Arab would be appropriate to confirm the mobilization of the international community in favor of the two - state solution and to identify ways to help Israelis and Palestinians to rediscover the path of peace." 
He said, according to Agence France - Presse, "I am delighted to receive my counterparts in this important phase of the search for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East." on 
the initiative of France, will participate in the conference about twenty countries plus the European Union and the United Nations but without the Israelis and the Palestinians. 
in if successful, the conference will result in an international summit in the second half of the year 2016 in the presence of Israeli and Palestinian leaders this time.

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