Wednesday 18 May 2016

Support: 364 violation of journalists and media institutions in the Arab world

AMMAN (Ina) - The monthly report showed the network defenders of media freedom in the Arab world ,"support", offers five media and journalists during the month of April last to kidnapping and enforced disappearance, two of them in Syria and three others in Yemen, the report documented theassassination of one attempt journalists in Libya. 
the report , which was announced in the Jordanian capital Amman today (May 18, 2016) to a significant decrease in the number of cases of assault on media freedom exercised by the armed groups. He 
also drew a relatively low index of gross violations, which recorded 24 percent of the total violations last April. On 
the other hand , the report warned of the continued use of arbitrary arrests of Palestinian journalists approach by the Israeli occupation authorities, and they are subject to unfair trials. The 
report went on to expand the use of the occupation authorities for calls to the security and investigations with reporters to warn them and threatened to deploy assaults committed by Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinians in the West Bank, where the report noted that four cases ofsecurity to achieve compared to the cases of denied coverage. 
She called the network "support" in solidarity with the captive journalist patient , "Bassam Al- Sayeh , " which has been moved from the "Eshel" prison to the hospital , " a prison of Ramle" following thedeterioration of his health, where he is suffering from several chronic diseases. the 
report recorded 364 violation occurred on journalists and media institutions during April last, the highest abuse rate since the beginning of this year, where he has documented 105 cases of attacks on journalists and media organizations, including 84 individual case and 21 collective condition. 
the results of the report shows 98 journalists and media workers for violations and attacks, and the number of media organizations that have been attacked 24 media organizations  
report recorded a high rate of recurrence of the attack on the right to freedom of opinion and expression and the media 166 times topping the list of human rights abused and against journalists. 
the assault on the right to personal safety in the second and at a high rate as well as repeated 88 times, while the solution in the third place each of the assault on the right to own property and the right to liberty and security of person repeated 37 times for each one of them. 
resolve ranked fourth attack on rights the field of judicial affairs and reiterates doubly from the previous month Petkrrh 22 times, followed by the fifth rank assault on the right to freedom of movement and residence was repeated 5 times. 
in sixth place was the attack on the right to privacy was repeated four times, followed by the seventh attack on the right not to undergo to torture and degrading treatment was repeated 3 times, and finally in the eighth ranked solution in violation of the right to non - discriminatory treatment and the right to life.

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