Thursday 19 May 2016

The signing of cooperation agreements between ISESCO and a range of education and training for companies after

RABAT (Ina) - were on Thursday (May 19, 2016), the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization headquarters (ISESCO) in Rabat, in the presence of Dr. Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Director General of ISESCO, the signing of agreements for cooperation between ISESCO and Education Group companies and training after which is based in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia. , 
and signed by Dr. Amina Stone, Assistant Director - General of ISESCO, and engineer Zuhair bin Ali Azhar, chief executive of the group, the partnership agreement in the field of people with disability issues service, and a memorandum of understanding on Islamic network for research and evaluation, and an agreement to establish a phone applications portable Award. 
the ISESCO and the group had signed on July 14, 2014 at ISESCO headquarters in Rabat, an agreement on cooperation in the completion of research, studies and training and training in the areas of education and training , remote, electronic libraries of Arabic content and search engine Arab, and a memorandum of understanding on October 14, 2014 , under which the Group provides services in the field of technical education and vocational training to the Republic of the Comoros, in coordination with the competent national authorities, and with the Delegation of ISESCO in Moroni. 
the Education Group companies and remote training, aims to develop education and training programs remotely in the Arab and Islamic countries, upgrading the skills and competencies to keep up withscientific and educational developments witnessed by the world, and through the provision of education and training services.

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