Thursday 19 May 2016

Study: 4 healthy and commandments for cancer prevention

NEW YORK (Ina) - developed a modern American study, a prescription that can be followed to protect people from cancer, which includes implementation of four healthy commandments to maintain a healthy body. 
Researchers Hospital , Massachusetts General and Harvard Medical School, said, the Americas, if youfollow healthy lifestyle reduces cancer rates ranging between 20-40 percent, and published their findings on Thursday, in the journal of the American Medical Association. 
according to the research team, the four recommendations of the study are to quit smoking, and avoid drinking alcohol, and maintaining an ideal body weight, exercise moderately for two hours and a half aweek. 
the study included 89 thousand and 571 men and women in the United States of America. the 
researchers found that a healthy lifestyle is focused on four recommendations, it can reduce mortality and the incidence of cancer at rates ranging between 20-40 percent. 
the research found a team that " the results reinforce the importance of lifestyles in determining the risk of developing cancer, so prevention must remain a priority for the fight against cancer. " 
the World Health Organization announced that the cancer ravaging the lives of about 400 thousand people each year in the Eastern Mediterranean region. 
the organization pointed out that it could prevent more than 30 percent of cancers by following a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, maintaining physical activity and eating healthy food.

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