Thursday 19 May 2016

Yemeni government delegation reviewed with the UN envoy's efforts for peace sponsoring states

Kuwait (Ina) - met with the Yemeni government delegation in Kuwait consultations, headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Abdul Malik Mikhlafi, on Thursday (May 19, 2016), envoy of theSecretary General of the United Nations to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed. 
During the meeting , accept UN envoy results efforts and the efforts of the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al - Ahmad Al - Jaber Al - Sabah, and the ambassadors of sponsoring the political process states in Yemen, including the ambassadors of the Gulf cooperation Council ( GCC), Egypt, the five permanent members. 
the new Mikhlafi affirmed the keenness of the government to achieve lasting peace , according to the Yemeni news agency official. 
"the suspension of the government delegation participating in the meetings of the consultations was theresult of the continuation of the coup in the refusal to commit Bmarjaaat consultations and resolutions of international legitimacy and the repudiation of the agreements that were either in the Bill consultations Swiss, or what was agreed upon in Kuwait consultations itself which confirms that they do not want peace and insisting on dealing absurdly and deliberately doubling the daily suffering of our people during the war and chaos that spread it . " 
He added:" the government delegation requested document commitment to the six points adopted by the United Nations and the international community, will create a solid platform for consultations enable us to move forward to make peace for our people and our country. " He 
also discussed the delegation with the UN envoy to Yemen , the letter addressed to the President of theIntergovernmental Panel to the envoy on his demands. 
for his part, UN envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, that everything stated in the message the delegation demands we agree and agree with us when the world is not uncontroversial and commitment tolegitimacy based on consultations . 
he praised Ould Cheikh, patiently government delegation and abuse with positive consultations .. demanding more patience, stressing that it will make additional efforts with the other party, to work to resume consultations.

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