Saturday 21 May 2016

Seven Group warns of a shock for the global economy if Britain left Europe

TOKYO (Ina) - warned the finance ministers and central bank governors of the countries of the Group of Seven Saturday (May 21, 2016), at the end of two - day meeting in Japan of the"shock" could cause the global economy if Britain out of the European Union. 
According to a document published by the authorities Japanese that " the uncertainties surrounding the global situation escalated, with more than geopolitical conflicts, terrorism and the influx of refugees, and the shock of a possible exit of Britain from the European Union, of the world 's difficult economic environment." 
the British finance minister George Osborne warned early Saturday morning in a statement that he "would be very difficult "Britain in the event of exit from the European Union, tonegotiate a new trade agreement with the unified bloc with dozens or non - European countries associated with the special agreement with Brussels. countries 
was Osborne said Friday in Sendai" enough to talk to a financial Germany, France and other European countries and ministers to realize that if Britain emerged from the European Union and wants access to the single market, is going to have us contribute to the EU budget and the approval of the free movement of people, and without that we have a say in these policies. " 
for his part , French Finance Minister Michel Saban said Saturday during a meeting withjournalists that "seven countries were unanimous , of course, to say that a departure from the European Union will not be a good thing for Britain the first place." 
he said, according to Agence France - Presse, "the exit will have serious consequences, not because we Sense Britain 's treatment, but because the economic logic would be a very grave . " 
and made ​​European Commission President Jean - Claude Juncker similar comments since warned Friday supporters out of the European Union that Britain would face in this case radical treatment from the European Union. 
the governing Britain a referendum on June 23 decides which citizens whether they wish to remain within the Union European or out. 
the calls for Prime Minister David Cameron and opposition unions like Osborne to stay in theEuropean bloc. 
the latest opinion polls to provide clear to supporters to stay within the European Union, but the undecided rate is still high, the cast significant uncertainty on the outcome of thereferendum. 
and it doubles the supporters to stay in the bloc , backed by the multi - major multilateral institutions such as the international Monetary Fund and the Organization for economic cooperation and development, warnings that the economy would suffer great damage in theevent of Britain out of the European Union, raising the wrath of supporters out who consider that the country will be more prosperous without restrictions Brussels bureaucracy .

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