Saturday 21 May 2016

At the conclusion of its Board of Governors .. "Islamic Bank" reason to upgrade and promote innovation

JAKARTA (Ina) - Governors of the Islamic Development Bank , the Council concluded the work of its annual atheist and forty in the Indonesian capital , Jakarta , on Thursday evening, with a number of recommendations , most notably to invite Member States in the bank to the exchange of best practices and knowledge for the development of policies and upgrade and promote innovation. 
The Board of Governors meeting, in his closing statement, the need to review existing programs and initiatives based on these experiences, and to support the Member States and integrity, adding that thebank is working on innovative ideas in order to integrate them in the development of medium and small institutions efforts. 
the statement noted the organization of 41 seminar and the meeting, along with exhibition innovation (29 exhibitors), experts and speakers on the high level of participation of, and touched on a number of issues and success stories and exchange of experiences between the different Member States in thebank, in addition to exploring the experiences to take advantage of innovation in achieving sustainable development goals. 
the meeting recommended the need to develop innovative products and services in order to boost economic growth and improve living standards, and to ensure the achievement of sustainable development goals by 2030. He 
also stressed the need to support research centers, and strengthening the role of the private sector, and promotion of cooperation between the innovation centers, and the exchange of new ideas with each other in order to integrate them into economic products. 
and released by Governors of the Islamic development Bank Council, which lasted five - day meeting, anumber of decisions, most notably the accession of the Republic of Guyana to the membership of theBank, to become Lists 57 Bank state. 
Council urged member States that have not turned their contribution to the Al - Aqsa Fund to accelerate it, in order to strengthen the resilience the Palestinian people and alleviate the effects of the practices of the occupation. 
the meeting was held conservative this year 's forum titled "Strengthening innovation for sustainable development in the Member States service" during which they exchanged views and proposals among the participants to learn about the best ways to encourage and promote innovation in the Member States, as well as the annual meeting of the 23 Board of Governors of the Islamic Corporation for theinsurance of investment and export credit, the annual and the ninth meeting of the Board of Governors of the Islamic solidarity Fund for development, and meeting the 16th General Assembly of the Islamic Corporation for the development of the private sector, and meeting the 11th General Assembly of theinternational Islamic Corporation for trade financing, and the meeting of the Supreme Council for funds Aqsa and Jerusalem, and the meeting Commission Aqsa funds management and Jerusalem. 
the contract atheist forty meeting, a round table with the technical cooperation of the member countries organs in the Islamic development Bank Group entitled "promote and consolidate partnerships between member countries of the Bank Group for tangible results", the meeting on "Strengthening resilience Member countries of the bank - the humanitarian and development relevant ", and a meeting to discuss the role of transport networks in promoting the overall development. has 
also been holding meetings of the governing: Islamic solidarity Fund for development, and theAssociation of national development finance institutions, the Islamic Corporation for private sector development, the international Islamic trade finance Corporation, Besides board of Executive Directors of the Islamic development Bank meeting and a meeting of the women of the Advisory Committee of theIslamic development Bank, and the General Assembly of the Federation of Consultants from Islamic countries, and the General Assembly of the Association of national development finance institutions in the Member Bank 's countries, and the General Assembly of the Federation of Contractors from Islamic countries. 
and included the annual meeting of the board conservatives, seminars and meetings discussed thetopics of development of particular importance to Member States the bank, such as: a meeting entitled: " the water crisis or water management crisis .. integrated management of water resources," the forum of the Islamic Bank and the global development atheist tenth under the title: " the role of Islamic finance in achieving the goals of sustainable development ", a meeting on smart growth overall high support in Indonesia, in addition to organizing a meeting between Saudi businessmen and their Indonesian counterparts, and a meeting entitled" high - level policy dialogue for the promotion of Islamic finance and investment ", informatics joint seminar with the World Bank 's " modus operandi from the bottom up .. best practices learned from the integrated community development program in Indonesia. " 
organized during the annual meeting of the Governors of the Bank, seminars on" the development oflinkages between infrastructure and regional transport, "and" strengthen the technical cooperation between Member States through knowledge and experience sharing and "youth and development: innovative solutions for financial inclusion", in addition to a meeting on the promotion of theconstruction sector in the member bank states, and another about: promoting universal and sustainable financial growth for women .. obstacles and strategies, and meeting the women of the Advisory Committee of the Islamic development Bank, and a presentation on sustainable development plan for 2030: the role of multilateral development banks. 
also included meetings forum the bank to the private sector, which includes the Islamic Corporation for the insurance of investment and export credit Group, the Islamic Corporation for private sector development, the international Islamic trade finance Corporation, and the confidence, and the program of technical assistance to encourage investment. 
roundtable Bank Group meeting on development effectiveness, the consultation and the forum 's annual first as a contract with the regional cooperation organizations in Islamic cooperation and the Islamic development Bank , the Organization of the area, along with / forum instruments of the international Conference of Islamic finance for infrastructure development. 
a presentation was made ​​to the strategy of the Islamic solidarity Fund for development , which ismanaged by the bank, entitled: combating poverty and improving the standard of living and therestoration of human dignity (2016 - 2025 AD), and the holding of high - level Forum on theimplementation of sustainable development goals in the member bank states, and to organize a seminar for the heads of national development finance institutions Union and the Islamic development Bank on the present and future of inclusiveness financial in Southeast Asia. He 
also held a meeting on the contribution of the coordination group in the development of the South East Asian region and the global partnership for effective development cooperation, and another meeting on the security of energy supply and diversification of resources and the integration and interdependence of regional variables, and the launch of the special program region of Central Asia: enhancing competitiveness and increasing trade and economic growth. 
it was within the activities of the meeting delivered the Bank 's annual awards: the women 'scontribution to development Award, bank institutions and non - governmental organizations for women, and the award for science and technology institutions, and the award of banks and Islamic finance. 
agreements were also signed with a number of Member States, the amount of exceeded US $ 1.6 billion.

He noted the IDB chairman Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali, at the conclusion of the meetings, the decisions issued by the board of Governors, pointing out that it will contribute to strengthening cooperation between the Member States. 

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