Saturday 21 May 2016

Arab calls for the UN Security Council to fulfill its role in resolving regional issues

A m Cairo (Ina) called on the Secretary - General of the Arab League Dr. Nabil Elaraby , theUN Security Council to fulfill its role over the issues of the region for peace and international security, and the need to reform the Council to reconsider the regulations and the penal system, criticizing the inability of the Council to play its part in an end to conflicts and peacekeeping. 
He asked the secretary - general in his speech to the consultative joint meeting between theArab nations and members of the security Council at the ambassadorial level at theheadquarters of the Arab League today, how do you justify the use of the veto "veto" to prevent the issuance of a decision by the Council to stop the fire in one of the areas conflict. he 
also criticized the Arab in his speech to the meeting of the Council dealing with nuclear arms issues and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. the 
Arab said that the Board shall now international conflict management and not work to end it and do not see solutions have either in the region or in any other areas.

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