Monday 16 May 2016

Portugal's parliament voted by majority on a project of solidarity with Palestine

Lisbon (Ina) - the voice of the Portuguese Parliament majority, a project of solidarity with thePalestinian people and to condemn the violations of basic rights, including the "right to ahomeland." 
The voice on the project , the Socialist Party, the Party of the left block, and the Communist Party, and the Green Party, the Party of individual people - Environment Agency animals, while abstained from the vote of the Christian people 's Party and the Socialist Democratic Party. 
Under the project submitted by the left block, on the solidarity of the House ofRepresentatives with all Palestinian classes of people, the rejection of violations offundamental rights, including the right to a homeland, the basic men 's rights , and women and children in Palestine. it 
also provides for " The status of Palestinian refugees, which was considered in 1948 temporarily, still exists to this day, where it is estimated the number of refugees at more than 5 million, did not return yet to their homes and lands, despite all the United Nations resolutions, starting with resolution 194 to the other decisions . also states that " the plight of the Palestinian people were not only in 1948 but is still going on , and after 68 years of ethnic cleansing of Palestine, what violations persist , such as the demolition of houses, and the construction of the separation wall, and the establishment of barriers that cut off roads and humiliates people, silently by the international community which continues not to defend the application of international law. " 
and through parliament for" its support for all efforts for a just peace in the region, the first recognition of Palestinian state, and to comply with the right of Palestinian people to self and live report under the roof peaceful relations.

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