Monday 16 May 2016

"Islamic Development" project funded high-speed train in Morocco $ 100 million

Jakarta (Ina) - approved by the Islamic Development Bank, on Monday (May 16, 2016), on loan to Morocco amounting to 101.5 million US dollars to help finance the railway high -speed in Morocco at a cost of $ 2 billion project. 
A statement of the Council of executives of the bank, issued after a meeting held on thesidelines of the 41st annual meeting of the Islamic development Bank, the Indonesian capital , Jakarta, that the Council is seeking through this loan to contribute to the improvement oftransport efficiency in Morocco and meet the growing demand for passenger traffic on theTangier line (north) and Casablanca white (center), and shorten the travel time from five hours to two hours, as well as lower operating costs and improve the means of safety. 
the statement added that the completion of this project, which will be completed by the year 2017, will provide about two thousand new jobs and will contribute to the improvement ofpeople 's living standard. 
The volume of funds approved by the Council during this meeting 176.6 million US dollars.Has decided to provide three grants from the Endowment Fund of the Bank for the three Muslim communities in countries that are not members of the Bank of Antigua and Barbuda are located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, and the islands of Denmark, and Tanzania. 

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