Monday 16 May 2016

Adeis emphasizes the indispensability of developing a practical program to support Jerusalem and the holy sites

JERUSALEM (Ina) - Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs of the Palestinian Sheikh Yusuf Adeis, during his participation effectively targeted the 26th Conference of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in Aswan , Egypt, on the importance of the Palestinian issue and the exposed sanctities of Israeli violations in a row. 
He Adeis This conference which is held under the theme " the role of religious institutions in the Arab and Muslim worlds in the face of challenges: hope and reality, self - criticism and objective vision," is an important message to remind the Muslim religious and humanitarian duty towards Jerusalem and its holy sites, noting that " the stage now require from all oursister countries continue to work and support our rights to freedom and independence, and to mobilize the necessary support for the Al - Aqsa mosque to confront the Israeli attack him. " 
he called Adeis in his speech the need for attention to religious and legal aspect in dealing with the city of Jerusalem, through the emphasis on the freedom of access to holy places and freedom of worship, adding to the suffering his faithful attempts to prevent the entry of the city of Jerusalem and pray at the Al Aqsa mosque, under the racist arguments are full ofhatred and racism, and called on conference participants to take a clear position on the invitation of the Arab and Islamic worlds to stop these violations. 
he stressed that all Israeli Judaization projects will not deter the Palestinians to continue their defense of their holy places, will Trdkhhm of the policy of fait accompli and said ,"regardless of the Israeli onslaught against Jerusalem and Al - Aqsa and other holy sites, we will continue to hold out until the establishment of a Palestinian state whose capital isJerusalem." 
the new Adeis demanding political leaders pressing international bodies to assume its responsibilities towards what is happening in Palestine, considering what Israel is doing terrorist plot regulator is contrary to all international laws and conventions and treaties. 
and accept and Minister of Awqaf and the risks to the holy city of risks and attacks affected even cemeteries and the names of its streets, calling to work vigorously to preserve the Islamic identities and Arabism, and through the promotion of religious visits intensify by Muslims of the world to her and mosques that have surrounded daily by the Israeli occupation forces. 
He called on Arab and Islamic governments and wealthy Muslims around the world, to establish an Islamic endowments in Jerusalem to support the steadfastness of thePalestinian citizen, in the face of racist Israeli onslaught that work day and night to get him out of them and away from its border .

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