Sunday 15 May 2016

Daash adopts a suicide bombing in front of the Rescue camp in Mukalla, Yemen

Mukalla (Ina) - adopted a regulation Daash terrorist, responsible for the suicide bombing that targeted a gathering for new recruits in the province of Hadramout, eastern Yemen. 
The organization said the "agency depths" of his account, one of the elements called "Abu Ayyub al - Ansari", carried out the suicide bombing which targeted the headquarters of therescue camp in the city of Mukalla , capital of Hadramaut. 
A suicide bomber blew himself up near the gate of the camp, while Ozdhamh civilians wishing to join the security forces, on Sunday morning (May 15, 2016). 
the security source said that "the camp opened to civilians for registration in the ranks police forces, but the suicide bomber took advantage of the security facilities, and entered the ranks of civilians and blew himself up , which led to the fall of 30 dead and several wounded in the initial toll. 

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