Friday, 20 May 2016

International concern from a record high temperature

NEW YORK (Ina) - expressed the United Nations, on Friday (May 20, 2016), expressed concern following the registration of scientists breaking records for the highest figures global temperatures for 12 months in a row. 
She stressed the data issued by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Thursday Previous readings to NASA the body of Japanese meteorological. 
showed that the Earth 's average temperature in April was higher by 1.1 degrees Celsius (two degrees Fahrenheit) from the average than in the twentieth century.  
and the transfer site Sky Uzarabiyh spokeswoman for the World meteorological Organization Claire Knowles, saying: "what worries in particular , is the margin of these records. it 's not broken, but completely destroy and on a consistent basis to a large extent. " 
said Claire Knowles told reporters in Geneva that while the numbers of last year worrying indeed," theheat that we are experiencing in 2016 to make 2015 hide in shame by comparison. 

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