Friday 13 May 2016

Close Andrews Air Force Base temporarily after a false bomb scare

WASHINGTON (Ina) - The US Air Force to Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, which used especially President Barack Obama when traveling on board the presidential plane "Air Force One", wasforced on Thursday to close the main entrance for a short period after a bomb alert , it soon became apparent it is a liar. 
she said the air base, in a tweet on Twitter, said he "nearly 17.15 pm on Thursday afternoon entered thewoman greeted the visitor center (at the entrance to the base) , claiming that there was strapped to her chest bomb." 
she added that the security personnel at the base rushed to " the arrest of women ", showing the explosives experts" lack of an explosive device in place. " 
Al - Qaeda and made ​​it clear that the work in which" not affected "during the period of the alarm, and" did not change the point of "any of its flights. 
according to the air Force, the situation returned to normal at the base at about 18.40 local time. , 
and Andrews air Force Base is located about 25 kilometers southeast of Washington, a base that off ofthem and degrade the presidential plane and helicopter a number of senior officials in theadministration.

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