Sunday 15 May 2016

Arab Journalists Union calls for the rebels to release the Yemeni Journalists immediately

 Cairo (Ina) - called the General Federation of Arab Journalists, militias , al - Houthi forces ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the release of Yemeni journalists immediately and stop using journalists as a weapon in a deadly conflicts and to allow them the freedom to work so they can see the Yemeni people what is going on around them of the events. 
He General Federation of Arab journalists said in a statement on Sunday (May 15, 2016), "ten journalists are being held with the rebels began on May 9, went on hunger strike in protest against the ill - treatment they receive, declaring that they will not stop the hunger strike until they are released . " 
the statement added , " the Houthis deliberately abuse of these journalists turn off the spigot on their visits and do not provide them with a healthy diet and drugs, putting their lives at risk and many diseases. " 
He condemned the statement, the continuing restrictions on journalists in Yemen .. stressing the support of the international Federation of the Organization for journalists the most representative of journalists in the world, the Yemeni journalists Syndicate member of the Union in calling for the release of the journalists immediately. 
he said Federation President Jim Boumelha " is not the word to describe the level ofintimidation and brutal attacks , which lives in the shadow of our colleagues in Yemen exist, and must be released immediately." 
She had called Yemeni journalists Syndicate, human rights and international organizations, particularly the Federation of Arab journalists, the international Federation of journalists, in solidarity with the detained journalists and to work for their release and to provide them withprotection.

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