Monday 16 May 2016

Yemen: a suicide bombing targeting a center for elite troops in Mukalla

Mukalla (Ina) - targeted suicide bombing on Monday (May 16, 2016), a center for elite troops in the garment district in Al - Mukalla , capital of Hadramaut province , eastern Yemen, after about 24 hours on a bloody bombing at a rescue camp in the same city. 
Media sources said, that the bombing of the day that has not yet details on the number of his victims are listed, is the third bombing witnessed in the city that was a stronghold of al -Qaeda before you can drive the Yemeni army and the support of the Arab coalition forces, the last month of the expulsion of its fighters. 
The bombing on Sunday that killed nearly 30 people and killed more than 60 injured asylum recruitment, and adopted Daash terrorist organization, also survived Hadramout security chief from another bombing at his office in Mukalla also Sunday, killing a number of his companions.

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