Tuesday 24 May 2016

UN fund to finance education projects in conflict areas

Istanbul (Ina) - The United Nations during an ad hoc meeting held in Istanbul for the launch of a fund forhumanitarian summit to support education projects in conflict and natural disaster areas. 
He said the UN special envoy for global education, Gordon Brown, participating in the summit , which concludes Tuesday, The Nations United hopes to attract $ 3.8 billion in the new fund dedicated to help the millions of children who were barred from school because of armed conflicts and natural disasters. 
, suggests a study published in March (March) the past that the number of children living in conflict andnatural disaster areas, who were barred from education in last year, amounted to about 75 million children. 
She says UNICEF this situation increases the risk to these children, and makes them more susceptible to Ttaulat engaged in child labor, human trafficking and the promoters of extremist ideas. 
According to the website of Russia today, it will be the goal of the new fund to provide assistance to more than 13 million baby boy during the next five years, is expected to expand its assistance to include 75 million children by 2030. 
Brown said, in his speech to the participants at the summit, said that, without education, he finds children in conflict zones themselves at risk of turning to younger workers in the agricultural fields or brides young before they reach the age of much of majority, or soldiers in the trenches, or new recruits in the ranks of illegal armed formations vulnerable to extremist ideas. 
data published by UNICEF indicates that more than 6 thousand schools in Syria stopped working during the war years because of attacks armed or occupied by factions fighting or converted to shelters.According to expert assessments, the deterioration of education in Syria since 2011 and fell to resemble the level of education in South Sudan.

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