Thursday 12 May 2016

Strengthening cooperation between the American and French military intelligence

WASHINGTON (Ina) - "Pentagon" announced that officials from the American and French military intelligence gathered in Washington on Wednesday to speed up the exchange ofintelligence between the two countries in accordance with the decisions taken in the wake of the Paris attacks. 
The US Department of Defense: The General Christophe Gomar head of the French military intelligence, he met Marcel Whittier US Deputy Secretary of defense in charge of military intelligence. 
According to AFP, this is the first meeting between the presidents of these bodies in theframework of a "Commission for Lafayette , " which was founded after the Paris attacks in November (November) 2015 in order to accelerate the exchange of intelligence and military between France and the United States, according to the same source. 
Although the cooperation between the American and French armies in the fight against extremism networks in West Africa and the Middle East reached an unprecedented level, but that there are still difficulties hindering sometimes the exchange of sensitive information between them. 
for example, the military Frenchmen seconded to work Central American military command (CENTCOM) prevented last year to participate in the meetings devoted to the preparation of the military campaign against al Daash, because it did not have the right to access to some confidential information. the 
French and hopes to come to an intelligence co - operation similar to the system that exists between the Americans, Each of Britons, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders in theframework of the coalition named "Five Eyes." 
for their part , the Americans promised to work to expand the intelligence circle which areentitled to the French see them.

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