Monday, 2 May 2016

Palestinian Minister of Water and values ​​the role of the "Islamic Development" in Gaza desalination

Jeddah (Ina) - praised the engineer Mazen Ghoneim, Minister of Water in the Palestinian National Authority, the important role played by the Islamic Development Bank in the field ofcontinuous support for the development plans and programs the State of Palestine, whether in the Northern Territory (West Bank) or in the Southern Region (Gaza Strip ), noting in particular the great attention paid by the Bank to implement the project to establish a plant for seawater desalination in the Gaza Strip. 
this came during a meeting with Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President of the Islamic development Bank Group, the Minister Ghoneim , who emphasized importance that attaches to the Palestinian national Authority to the speed of implementation of the project theestablishment of desalination of sea water in the Gaza Strip, which is already the Islamic development Bank announced welcome this important and readiness of the project to contribute to the vital contribution, as previously the Saudi Fund for development and theEuropean Union , the World Bank and other donors are welcome to contribute to this great humanitarian project, which is estimated to cost about (573) million US dollars. 
the Palestinian minister stressed during the meeting the need to accelerate the organization of a donors ' conference in the city of Jeddah, to put the binding on all parties to aninternational plan to begin implementation of this vital project , which depends on the speed of implementation of the lives of nearly two million people are total population of theoccupied Gaza Strip. Especially after the issuance of international reports confirm that thewater pollution in the Gaza Strip has become a threat to the life of the population in the Gaza Strip, and the Gaza Strip will become by 2020, the area unfit healthy for human life, because of the large pollution in drinking water ratio. 
For his part , President of the Bank Group Islamic development Bank for full support for this important project and the need to expedite the donors ' conference held at the place and time agreed upon by all donors committed to support the project.

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