Saturday 21 May 2016

Mikhlafi: We will not leave until after Kuwait officially notified the failure of negotiations

Kuwait (Ina) - A Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, head of the government delegation to Kuwait consultations, Abdul - Malik al- Mikhlafi, the legitimate delegation would not leave Kuwait before officially reported the failure of international efforts to push rebels to sign a document six demands, and the legitimacy of President Abdul Rabo Mansour Hadi in the formation of the committees in question. 
He called Mikhlafi in an interview with the "Middle East" newspaper of London, published Saturday (May 21, 2016), the international community to stand by the Yemeni government in the event of Huthi refused to sign, in any decision, especially the government is restraint and agreed on many points in order to reach a peaceful solution is reflected in the Yemeni society. the 
six demands which are the three frames of reference: UN Security Council resolution 2216 and the initiative Gulf, and the outputs of the national dialogue, and the agenda of thesecond Hula of peace talks in the Bill Swiss - five points set by the international envoy of theagenda and then the three tasks of the military, political and humanitarian committees and finally " I do not talk the legitimacy of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi."

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