Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Greek police begin evacuating Aadomina camp on the border of Macedonia

Athens (Ina) - Greek police began Tuesday quietly, evacuation Aadomina camp for immigrants actually a Macedonian Greek border , which has become a symbol of the closure of the Balkans through the front of wishing to reach northern Europe process, it quotes until noon about a thousand of them. 
Involved about 700 police with the support of helicopter in this process , which aims in the long term to complete the evacuation of about 8,400 people were crowding it in difficult circumstances often denounced by humanitarian organizations. 
according to the Greek authorities and non - governmental organizations present in place, the process that began at dawn conducted without tension.  
in Geneva declared Nations High Commissioner Supreme United also to refugees that " the situation iscalm," the memorandum opposing " the use of force to move people." 
The Associated Press quoted the French for its spokesman Adrian Edwards as saying , "As long as the transfer of people from Aadomina are in line with the norms, we have no motives for concern." 
even back the 1,100 people left the place on board the 23 bus , according to police. The Greek government considered that the process will take weeks for the evacuation of the entire site. 
Showed scenes broadcast by the Greek public television , which allowed him access only to the camp for imaging, long lines of immigrants waiting for buses and does some directing salute to the camera asthey are surrounded by police officers. 
They appeared first bulldozers began removing the camp facilities . 
local police said in a statement that after more than two hours at the start of the operation , "left 609 immigrants place" on board heading for buses to shelters near Thessaloniki, the second largest Greek city in the north of the country and near the Aadomina, and the centers are the seven factories areempty and two camps also explained Kiratzeys .

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