Friday 20 May 2016

Egypt form a committee to investigate the ill-fated plane crash

Cairo (Ina) - issued the Egyptian Minister of Civil Aviation, Sharif Fathi, on Friday (May 20, 2016), adecision to form a committee to investigate the plane "Egypt Air" stricken, that fell over theMediterranean yesterday, in cooperation with the French delegation accident arrived in Cairo at a time earlier today.  the 
ministry said in a statement, seen by Anatolia, that the minister, "issued a decision to form a committee to investigate the plane crash of Egypt Air, headed by chairman of the Commission of inquiry incidents in the ministry, the pilot Ayman submitted accident."  
According to the statement , "the arrival of a delegation to achieve French to Cairo, today, to participate in the work of the commission of inquiry, in accordance with international legislation, since France is thecountry manufacturer of the aircraft affected (Airbus 320). "  
the Ministry of civil Aviation , Egypt announced, on Thursday, that Cairo will chair the inquiry official to uncover the circumstances and causes of the accident, with the participation of some countries , including France. 
He announced the Egyptian army, earlier today, that " the aircraft Egyptian naval vessels participating in the search for the missing plane since yesterday, I managed this morning to find some of the belongings of passengers, as well as parts of the wreckage of the plane, in an area about 290 km north ofAlexandria. "

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