Wednesday 18 May 2016

Djibouti president vows to reduce poverty and achieve social justice

Djibouti (Ina) - Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh pledged to cut poverty rates and work to achieve social justice and the aspirations and hopes of the people who give him confidence again to lead the country in the next five years. 
He called his generation on the occasion of the first weekly meeting of the new government formed last Thursday to adopt the vocational training and the creation of jobs and business opportunities in order toenable unemployed youth from engaging in the labor market and self-sufficiency. 
he said he would seek during the fourth presidential term in order to turn Djibouti into a prosperous nation, rely on a strong economy, and advanced infrastructure, and health care of high quality, good education, stressing the need to involve all sectors in the development process and not leave one in theside of the road.

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