Thursday 12 May 2016

Dilma Rousseff prepares to leave office in Brazil within hours

Brasilia (Ina) - preparing Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff , to relinquish power to her deputy Michel Temer, after the start of dismiss in the Senate , which is expected to make its decision in the morning local time issued in the wake of a marathon session procedures. 
The members of the Council who have started their meeting on Wednesday morning Ataaqubon on the platform remains the report of the Chairperson leftist fate that have lost popularity and accused of manipulating the public accounts. 
before the final electronic voting, a number of members of the Board up to a simple majority required for the specific declared with 41 votes , they will support the start of a case against Rousseff and excluded from power for a maximum of 180 days pending a final judgment. 
at 3 o'clock 0.15 (6.15 GMT) , announced the 41 members of the Council's 81 consent to her departure. 
It is ironic that former President Fernando collor de Mello , who resigned in 1992 days before being sacked because of corruption, participate in discussions in the Senate, but he did not disclose his position. 
for its part, will shed Rousseff (68 years), the first woman elected president of Brazil in 2010, a speech about ten o'clock (13.00 GMT) before he leaves the presidential palace and meet her fans, as the Information Office of the Labour Party said, according to Agence French press. 
deputies and its operatives workers ' Party and called for a rally in front of the presidential palace , starting at 8.30 under the slogan " We will not accept a government illegitimate." 
The Vice President Michel Temer , 75, Veselqa speech at 15.00 pm from the presidential palace , accompanied by Minister financial Enrique Mireys, he said the news website "or or not." 
thus, it is assumed to fold the largest country in Latin America page 13 years of rule by theBrazilian workers ' Party , which began in 2003 with the election of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, whose country has seen in the custody of economic boom and social beginning of the third millennium.

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