Saturday 21 May 2016

Arab League Council held a joint meeting with members of the Security Council

Cairo (Ina) held the Arab League Council at the level of permanent representatives in thepresence of the Secretary - General of the League of Arab States , Dr. Nabil Elaraby ameeting this morning at the headquarters of the university with the permanent members of the Council of Aloomn and ambassadors of member states of the Council accredited in Cairo. 
The Deputy Secretary - General of the Arab League Ambassador Ahmed Ben ornaments importance of the joint meeting, which came at the initiative of Egypt, which holds thepresidency of the Council during the month of May current, especially as the first of its kind at this level between the two sides at the General Secretariat of the League, saying that thejoint meeting represents an initial step that must be built upon to achieve greater coordination and cooperation between the Arab League and the members of the Security Council , 
Ambassador Ben Helli said it had been agreed that the Arab message is to the members of the Security Council frank, strong and clear on the Council moved towards the urgent Arab priority issues at the forefront of Arab interests, particularly the Palestinian issue , which suffers from a standstill in stage the current due to the Israeli intransigence in the light of theextremist Israeli government led by Benjamin Ntiyanjaho, which works to bridge all ports and pre - empt all the initiatives put forward to resolve this issue, including the French initiative to hold an international peace conference to enforce the two - state solution, along witheating many other issues , including the situation in Libya and Syria and Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, refugees and illegal immigration. 
He stressed Hali on the need to carry out the security Council , in turn , resolve crises in theregion in light of the powers conferred upon him in accordance with section VII of theCharter of the United Nations , including making it able to implement Alorteurarat issued on this crisis and that the inability to find solutions so far, hoping to effectively move theCouncil.

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