Sunday 15 May 2016

Arab League calls on the anniversary of the Nakba for international intervention to provide protection to the Palestinian people

Cairo (Ina) denounced the Arab League racism arbitrary action by Israel against thePalestinian people, which is in danger of triggering a war in the region. 
Demanded the Arab League in a statement issued today to mark the anniversary of the (68) for the plight of the Palestinian people, the international community , represented by Bhaiath and organizations international, primarily the United Nations to exert more pressure on Israel (the occupying power) to comply with the will of the international community through theimplementation of relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, particularly the United Nations General Assembly resolution 194 of 1948 and the content on the right of return and compensation, as well as emphasis on the international responsibility to provide international protection for the Palestinian people and the immediate termination of thesettlement. 
She stressed the Arab League in this anniversary of the tragic in the history of mankind, as peace will not be achieved on the ground without restore things to the right by re right to his family for an independent and viable Palestinian state lives with its capital in East Jerusalem , on the borders of June 1967 and in accordance with international references and stipulated in the Arab peace initiative, in order to reach a just and comprehensive solution to end theArab - Israeli conflict in the Middle East, saying that otherwise the chances of peace subside and diminished which threatens to ignite a fuse war in the entire region. 
the Arab League said in a statement "resolved in the fifteenth of the month of May of this year , in 2016 sixty - eighth anniversary of the plight of the Palestinian people , a day when the Zionist gangs Palestinian land occupied and the deportation of more than 800 thousand Palestinians from their villages and towns , and turned them into refugees living in theDiaspora camps in various parts of the world, most Palestinian cities occupied witnessed massacres and acts of looting on these various Zionist gangs hand them ( the Haganah and Alamu), where it was destroyed more than 500 villages in addition to many of the major Palestinian cities. " 
she added that under the Israeli occupation which targets humans and trees and stones, thePalestinian people living in the plight of continuing under the racist policies of occupation that aims to blur and erase the Palestinian presence pursuing Israeli Judaization through theimposition of forced displacement and increase the pace of settlement building to create anIsraeli majority at the expense of presence Palestinian, as well as the arbitrary actions of thedemolition of Palestinian homes and daily arrests against the Palestinian people, and assassinations systematic executions and daily policy of forced deportation against symbols of national, religious and Palestinian leaders, and the violation of the sanctity of theChristian and Islamic holy sites particularly in the Al - Aqsa mosque , which is exposed to the fiercest Judaization campaign at the bottom and its surroundings, not to mention the attempts to divide it in time and space, as well as attempts to change the demographic character of the Palestinian cities, villages and imposing Hebrew Titles on the streets and alleys , and the names of buildings, as well as the confiscation of Palestinian land and razed policy.

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