Saturday, 3 September 2016

British Study: Low birth weight affects the exercise of Sport later

LONDON (Ina) - A recent British study that there is a relationship between the decline in children 'sweight at birth, and not having participated actively in the exercise and sports during the study period, and in later life. 
According to the results of a study conducted by researchers at the London School University in Britain, and published Saturday in the journal "Medicine and Science in Sports and exercise", the low birth about 2.5 kg weight, affect the extent of his participation in the exercise in old age. 
conducted the research team studied 2739 children to measure the effect of birth weight on the physical activity levels of children in later in their lives. 
after analyzing the data , researchers found that babies who were weighing less than 2.3 kg, was their participation in the exercise below average, before the age of 13 years, also refrained from participating in sporting activities in adulthood, compared with children who were normal weight at birth from 2.5 to 4 kilograms. the 
researchers said that "regular exercise, provides children with many health benefits, and parents and doctors should be aware that children who are born low birth weight may need more support than others, for their continued throughout their lives in physical activity. "

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