Friday, 22 April 2016

Retiree rescues woman, son from flood

TAIF: A retired special emergency forces officer saved a woman and her son in the nick of time from a flashflood on the Makkah-Taif road in Al-Bahita.
According to a local media report, Abdulrahman Al-Adwani said he was heading to visit his aunt in Taif recently when he saw a huge amount of water sweeping over the road as he passed the security checkpoint in Al-Bahita.
He stopped his car and then saw a vehicle being pulled along by the powerful floodwaters toward the valley. Springing into action, he moved quickly toward the vehicle to help those inside.
With the assistance of passersby, he managed to get close to the car when it stopped briefly against a wall. Finding the left window open, he pulled a young man out of the car, who told him his mother was still inside the vehicle.
With the car being pulled away from the wall, he realized he had to act fast. “I put out my hand and the woman held onto it and in this way I managed to pull her out. Then the car was submerged in the water,” he said.

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