Saturday 4 June 2016

Russia successfully launches military satellite

MOSCOW (Ina) - Russia launched on Saturday, military satellites successfully from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the north of the country, according to the announced Russian Defense Ministry. 
The news agency "RIA Novosti" a ministry spokesman as saying that " the satellite successfully placed in orbit." 
the agency "Tass" announced earlier that the missiles Rokot launched on the afternoon of Saturday afternoon Moscow time carrying a satellite military industrially. 
According to Russian media specialist that the rocket carrying a satellite of the "Geo any Kai 2" model isspecifically designed to develop a detailed map of the football ground trilateral dimensions. 
the first satellite of this type was launched in February 2011, but lost after being placed in orbit error because of the failure of the launch pad. 
and early December, Russia lost contact a satellite military has been unable to break away from theplatform absolutely Soyuz after liftoff from Plesetsk station. 
Russian space sector has witnessed a series of failures the year 2015, especially the loss of "Progress" dedicated to supply the international space Station in April, and the failure of "Proton" rocket , which was supposed to put into orbit a satellite Mexican Telecom May.

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