Saturday 4 June 2016

Demonstration in Niger of solidarity with the victims of Boko Haram

Niamey (Ina) - Dozens of people on Saturday, in Niamey , expressing their solidarity with the people ofsouth - east Niger areas, close to Nigeria, which is witnessing more than a year of bloody attacks to organize Boko Haram. 
The demonstrators marched in the streets of the capital, chanting slogans of solidarity with Deva, theborder city has been hit by the terrorist organization, and are demanding the protection of the people and help them, according to Agence France - Presse. 
participated in the demonstration, the first of its kind since the start of the Niger authorities addressing the Boko haram in February 2015 AD, civil society activists, trade unionists and politicians. 
and behind the rebellion Boko haram, which was launched in 2009 in the north - east Nigeria, more than 20 people dead and forced more than 2.6 million residents to flee. 
the harbor region of Diffa in Niger more than 240 thousand refugees and displaced people living amid local residents are very poor, according to the United Nations. 
to counter the attacks and infiltration of militants, it declared a state of emergency authorities evacuated areas and closed markets, adding to the local economy deteriorating. 
but despite the high prevalence of the army in the region of Niger still face difficulties in containing theBoko attacks haram. 
, killing 30 of the Niger army of at least two Nigerians in Boko haram attack in Poso, another town in Niger , near the border with Nigeria. 

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