Saturday 4 June 2016

A suicide bombing in Baghdad and repel attack for "Daash" in the field Ajil

BAGHDAD (Ina) - Iraqi police reported the killing of two Iraqi soldiers, and wounding nine others, on Saturday (June 4), was killed by a suicide bomber with an explosive belt, targeted a gathering of the Iraqi army in an area north of Baghdad. 
The sources said that a suicide bomber from al Daash blew himself up with an explosive belt at noon today at a gathering of the Iraqi army in the north of Baghdad Tarmiyah area, causing the death of two soldiers and wounding nine others ,, according to the transfer site , "Deutsche Welle" for the German Press agency (dPA). 
the bombing occurred in the a time when the Iraqi army is trying to regain the city of Fallujah stronghold organization "Daash" to the west of the capital. 
Baghdad has seen several bombings since the start of the campaign in Fallujah on 23 May. on 
the other hand, Iraqi security source in Salahuddin province said Saturday, the end of the attack on theAjil field oil control of the security forces and the crowd clan of the situation and restore points, dominated by the organization "Daash." 
the source said that the attack led to the deaths of three of the security forces and wounding 15 others ,and nine members of the organization "Daash" and the seizure of weapons and munitions, while managed the rest of the elements Daash escape to the Hamrin mountains. 

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