Saturday 4 June 2016

French prime minister calls for rail workers to end their strike

PARIS (Ina) -, French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, said Saturday the railway workers to end the strike four days ago , "soon , " and "solidarity" with the victims of the floods that have left four people dead and about twenty thousand displaced people. 
He said Waltz during his visit Crohn neighborhood devastated in the south of Paris, that the move "is quite understandable" in light of bad weather , which affects the section of the railway network. 
earlier, the government in turn called sector workers to exercise the "responsibility", being careful theproper functioning of Europe Cup 2016 matches , which begin Friday in France, according to Agence France - Presse. 
and performs the railway workers indefinite strike since Tuesday night , demanding better working conditions, but the administration says that ten percent of the workers are now committed to the strike.The move is part of the movement taking place in France refused to reform the labor law.

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