Thursday 2 June 2016

Business Authority UAE launches "the seeds of goodness" Ramadan campaign in Palestine

Nablus (Ina) - launched a charity Authority ( SCA ) in the West Bank, on Thursday (June 2, 2016), " theseeds of goodness" Ramadan campaign, and announced the disbursement of additional guarantees for the orphans of Palestine, on the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, during a ceremony organized in Nablus in collaboration with the Ministry of Awqaf and religious Affairs of the Palestinian. 
the director of the Commission 's office in the West Bank , Ibrahim Rashid, the Business Commission allocated about $ 4 million to launch a campaign of "seeds of goodness", in the framework ofstrengthening the Arab role and the UAE in particular in serving the Palestinian people and its visibility and to contribute to its development and enhance their steadfastness, and through the programs and activities of the quality of the executed series, culminating this year in this specific humanitarian campaign. 
and that campaign , " the seeds of goodness," is one of the biggest humanitarian campaigns in Palestine , which the Commission began its activities in over her office about 27 years ago a budget ofno more than 150 thousand dollars, and today has become a nearly $ 22 million, on the basis that help the people of Palestine is the duty of every Arab and Muslim free. 
He Rashid the philosophy of the business body, based on strengthening the steadfastness of thePalestinian people, came to bear a slogan keen to apply to ground and succeeded in doing so, is tostrengthen the steadfastness of our Palestinian brothers not a matter to God , and the gift, but as a matter of belonging and duty, a slogan that embodied again in "seeds of goodness" Ramadan which RTA is keen to include all Palestinian governorates campaign, despite the bias is clear and the largest for the sake of the holy city , which has allocated the Commission a series of programs and projects to be implemented during the holy month. 
he said that the Authority has paid educational, health, social, economic and environmental sectors, and provide relief to those affected by natural disasters and social calamities, and fill the needs of orphans and improve the health, psychological and social conditions, of great importance in order to contribute Palestinian national development, in partnership with development agencies and local and international institutions working in Palestine and abroad. 
He Rashid to "charity banquets" in the Al - Aqsa mosque, in addition to Iftars solidarity and symbiotic, which have privacy in the Commission programs which spotted more than a million dollars to distribute more software 150 a breakfast and 60 thousand meal morning meal in favor of Almatcfhin and worshipers at Al - Aqsa mosque, in addition to 15 thousand meal foreign food, and about 100 thousand meal morning meal in favor of Almatcfhin Far to commemorate Laylat al- Qadr blessed, in close cooperation with the Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Department in the city of Jerusalem. 
"seeds of goodness" campaign and include as well, "watering cold water" program, which aims through the business body to provide more than half a million bottles of cold water from the planned submission of fasting from Almatcfhin in the Al Aqsa mosque. 
He pointed to the "food basket" program, which the Commission plans from which to distribute at least 10 thousand food parcels to the poor and needy families in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in addition to a decent living program through which the bread distributed to 1500 poor family. 
He Rashid: "includes the good seeds of a campaign, Eid clothing programs include about 1,500 social condition, alms and zakat al - Fitr, which includes about three thousand cases, and the distribution ofgifts and direct relief targeted to families in a position to determine their options and restricted diet expulsion, in partnership with Jean - Zakat. 
His body began to implement a program "breakfast on the barriers and transients," about three years ago and targeted the stranded citizens at Israeli military checkpoints during breakfast times, inter alia Gifts Children campaign , " the seeds of goodness" Ramadan program of the children of Palestine, in all the provinces and the Palestinians in 1948, and the revival of much of the night in the Al Aqsa mosque. 
He pointed out that the charity Authority ( SCA ) focus in the context of this campaign, to take care ofand funding Takaya Ramadan charity in several provinces in order to enable the poor and needy families get meals Ramadan breakfast every day of the holy month, in addition to the implementation of the food coupon program to help the poor and needy. 
He , that the Authority in the framework of this campaign, is keen to promote an initiative launched several years ago, and through which meals Ramadan breakfast for the patients Muslims in hospitals Israeli health centers, and the launch of Eid clothing program for community sliced ​​weak, and the care and support shelters in different parts of the West Bank, the implementation of the "Al - Aqsa Kids Gift" program. 
for his part, Minister of Awqaf and religious Affairs , Sheikh Yusuf Adeis, philanthropic body as glossy to do good in the name of Palestine, and her fingerprints would not timeless in strengthening the resilience of this people, and provide relief to the poor, orphans and the needy, and bring about development in social, educational, health and humanitarian fields.

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