Thursday 2 June 2016

ISESCO to announce its support for the initiative of UNESCO on heritage protection in Iraq and Syria

RABAT (Ina) - The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) expressed full support for the initiative undertaken by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on the protection of human heritage in Iraq and Syria, and expressed itsresponse to the meeting , which is being held in Berlin at the invitation of UNESCO and under itsauspices, a group of archaeological missions and the participation of Syria and experts Syrians and other nationalities. 
ISESCO called, in a statement issued on Thursday (June 2, 2016), the international community to strengthen UNESCO 's efforts in the field of saving human heritage in Iraq and Syria, and urged thenations of the world Islamic in particular, to move within the framework of the action plan drawn up by ISESCO, to exert maximum efforts on the Islamic and international levels, and to exert pressure on involved in the deliberate destruction of human heritage parties, in order to stop these conflicting practices with international laws. It 
also called for the mobilization of the international community 's efforts to provide resources in theframework of the UNESCO initiative to save the human heritage in these two Arab countries. 
ISESCO explained that heritage in Iraq and Syria , commemorates the contributions of civilizations Assyrian, Greek, Romanian, Farsi, Arabic and Islamic enrich the cultural heritage of human across eras, which thus constitutes a common heritage of all cultures and civilizations, should protection and bear the international community responsibility towards it. 
She organized its willingness to strengthen cooperation with UNESCO in the field of documenting as much as possible of the heritage in Iraq, Syria and protect him, in the framework of joint cooperation between the two programs. 
began the Berlin meeting on the protection of human heritage in Iraq, Syria , Thursday, and will continue three days. 
and is part of the vision of this organization joint international action for the protection of human heritage and to reject any attempt to exploit. 
the Irina Bokova, Director - General of UNESCO, was launched on may 31 initiative, to save heritage in areas of armed conflict. 
she said Irina Bokova in a statement issued Incidentally that "contemporary history did not witness never ever seen the devastation witnessed by the human heritage in both Iraq and Syria in the present day," and affirmed that " the deliberate destruction that posed to a war crime, where the destruction hasbecome a means of war and suits tendentious" heritage.

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