Thursday 2 June 2016

Merkel considers that Britain will be stronger in the European Union

BERLIN (Ina) - regarded German Chancellor Angela Merkel Thursday (June 2, 2016), that Britain will be stronger in the European Union, before three weeks of the referendum on the exit from the Union. 
She said to the media during the visit of the Secretary General of NATO , Jens Stoltenberg to Berlin . " it is natural that the decision is up to the British citizens who will vote in the referendum. personally, I would like in Britain staying in the EU, and I said it again. " 
she added, according to Agence France - Presse," I think we will be even more powerful when we aretogether within the European Union. it could for all parties, namely Britain and other countries, todiscuss matters that concern them more effectively, rather than negotiate from the outside. " 
Merkel confirmed that Britain will not arrive alone to achieve its objectives in international trade negotiations. 
She explained , " when we think of trade agreements that are important to Germany , Britain , in our view all the state can not alone achieve good results "that can be achieved when we are united. 
stresses Merkel since her meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron in February in Hamburg, the desire to stay for London within the European Union, arguing that it in the interest of Germany and Britain.

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