Sunday 13 March 2016

Minister: Rights of Binladin staff fully protected

CAIRO: The rights of Egyptians employed with Saudi Binladin Group are fully protected, Labor Minister Mufrej Al-Haqabani has said. 
“The employees will be allowed to transfer their sponsorship or return to Egypt, if they want, and appoint an acquaintance to collect their dues from the company on their behalf,” he said. 
The minister’s assurance came during talks with his Egyptian counterpart, Jamal Sorour, on the sidelines of a meeting of the Board of Arab Labor Organization in Sharm El-Sheikh on Saturday.
Souror said the ministry had received complaints from Egyptian employees of Saudi Binladin Group of non-payment of salaries for the past three months. Al-Haqabani said he is committed to solving any problems Egyptian expatriates may face and is consistently coordinating with the Egyptian government.

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