Saturday, 26 March 2016

‘Insulting’ comments in sermon spark row

JEDDAH: A controversy has erupted following a sermon by the imam of a mosque during the Friday prayer in Baha, with worshippers accusing that he used insulting language during the speech.
The Baha branch of the Islamic Affairs Ministry has taken serious note of this and ordered an inquiry against the preacher, local media reported on Saturday.
“The preacher will be called and his sermon investigated. Appropriate action will be taken against him if the allegations turn out to be true,” Fahaid Al-Barqi, director of the Baha branch of the ministry, was quoted as saying. 
Some of the worshippers claimed that the preacher compared them with animals, who “like cattle, go astray without understanding themselves or their surroundings.”
Fahad Al-Ghamdi and others who listened to the sermon said they were taken aback by the preacher’s language and urged the ministry to probe this case in particular and monitor sermons in general. Preachers are prohibited from using sermons to attack or vilify individuals.

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