Sunday 7 February 2016

Sudanese gunned down by Zionist trooper

JERUSALEM: A man who stabbed and lightly wounded an Israeli soldier on Sunday in the southern city of Ashkelon before being shot was a Sudanese national who has since died of his wounds, police said.
Police initially said the incident near a bus station was suspected to be part of a wave of Palestinian knife, gun and car-ramming attacks that erupted in October. The motive for the stabbing is now unclear.
The incident saw the Sudanese man, said to be in his 20s, stab the soldier and flee, police said. Another soldier in the area grabbed the wounded soldier’s gun and chased the Sudanese man before shooting him.
A witness told Israeli public radio the soldier shot three times at the Sudanese man, but he continued to run. He then fired three more times, according to the witness.
A large number of illegal immigrants have arrived in Israel from Sudan through Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, though the status of the person killed Sunday was not clear.
Meanwhile, suspected arsonists in the West Bank have burned a tent that served as a synagogue dedicated to slain three Israeli teenagers, provoking an angry reaction from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The tent near the Karmei Tzur settlement in the south of the occupied Palestinian territory burned on Saturday, causing no injuries but leaving Jewish religious books damaged and destroyed, police said.
Israeli media reported that police suspected residents of the nearby Palestinian town of Halhul.
Netanyahu alleged on his Facebook page that the synagogue “was set on fire by Palestinians.”

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