Saturday 13 February 2016

Ministry orders separate section for female members of municipal councils

RIYADH: The Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs has ordered the allocation of separate sections for female members of municipal councils.
This was announced by Jedaie Al-Qahtani of the ministry.
“This is in implementation of Clause 107 of the 108 clauses of municipal council bylaws approved by the minister which requires sticking to Shariah restrictions when dealing with males and females,” he said.
He mentioned that all municipal council members, all over the Kingdom, should abide by this clause in meetings, workshops or any other activity.
“These venues should be provided with all equipment that facilitates communication between the members of the two sides during these activities, including closed interactive TV circuit and voice contact devices,” he stated.
This measure from the ministry has put an end to the controversy and argument over the presence of female members of the municipal councils with their male colleagues at the same table during council activities.
Some male council members strongly objected to female members sitting next to them at these council activities lately.
Male members refused to be seated at the same table with their female colleagues in a meeting of the Jeddah Municipal Council. The meeting was the council’s first since women were allowed to enter elections as candidates for municipal council membership for the first time in the history of the Kingdom.
The dispute was resolved when the two women agreed to be seated in the backseats at the meeting venue.

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