Saturday 6 February 2016

2 Saudis get 14-year jail for terrorism

JEDDAH: The Specialized Criminal Court has issued its verdict against two Saudis for terrorism-related offenses and for supporting extremist groups, a local daily has reported.
The court issued a prison sentence of ten and a half years to the first defendant after he was found guilty of issuing fatwas against the rulers of the Kingdom and accusing the state and security authorities of apostasy.
He was also found to have traveled to Syria without authorization to take part in the fighting in that counrty, as well as supporting Daesh and Jabhat Al-Nusra. He also incited the public to fight in conflict zones and possessed banned books that invite people to embrace deviant thoughts. 
The court issued a prison sentence of four years to the second defendant, with six months of prison under Article 6 of the Anti-Cyber Crime Law. His mobile and computer were also confiscated in accordance with Article 13 of the law, while eight months were added to his sentence in accordance with Article 16 of the Anti-Money Laundering Law.

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