Monday 28 September 2015

Obama at UNGA: Terrorist groups beheading innocents is an insult to humanity

Voicing America’s resolve to wipe out “apocalyptic cult” like ISIS and al-Qaeda, President Barack Obama today said safe havens for terrorists will not be tolerated and called on Muslims worldwide to reject those who “distort Islam, to preach intolerance, and promote violence.” “…When a terrorist group beheads captives, slaughters the innocent and enslaves women, it’s not a single nation’s national security problem, that is an assault on all of our humanity,” Obama said in his penultimate address to the General Debate of the 70th UN General Assembly here. There is “no room for accommodating an apocalyptic cult like ISIL and the US makes no apology for using our military as part of a broad coalition to go after them,” he reaffirmed. “We do so with a determination to ensure that there will never be a safe haven for terrorists who carry out these crimes. And we have demonstrated over more than a decade of relentless pursuit of al-Qaeda, we will not be outlasted by extremists,” he said.

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