Friday 3 June 2016

The opening of the "Symposium" mosque in Djibouti

Djibouti (Ina) - inaugurated by the Minister of Islamic Affairs, Culture and Religious Endowments Djibouti, a believer Hassan Barre, on Friday (June 3, 2016), the mosque "seminar", in the presence ofofficials from the Djibouti government and the Chargé d'affaires at the Saudi Embassy in Djibouti ,Hassan bin Mohammed Al Ahmari Regional Director of the Office of the symposium global Youth Islamic soft Mohammed Saif. 
He noted the sword, in a statement to the international Islamic news Agency, that the mosque , which includes a special pavilion women with a capacity of 1,000 worshipers, pointing out that the work ofbuilding it took three years. 
He pointed out that this mosque follows the developmental project of the National Center to take care ofyoung people in Djibouti, which also includes an institute for technical formation and vocational rehabilitation. 

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