Saturday 11 June 2016

The killing of 31 of the "Daash" in northern Syria, a Turkish shelling and raids Alliance

ANKARA (Ina) - The Turkish military sources, on Saturday (June 11, 2016), killed 31 militants of theorganization "Daash" in the shelling of the Turkish armed forces, and raids the international coalition on the terrorist organization sites, north of Aleppo , Syria. 
The source added, " The Turkish monitoring stationed on the border between the two systems, hemanaged to Friday, from detecting preparations carried out by elements of the organization to target Turkish territory, came the bombing to ward off the danger process. " 
the sources pointed out , that" immediately after the monitor preparations for the terrorist organization, Turkish artillery shelled, 33 locations for "Daash", in the countryside of Aleppo , northern, while raided fighter Alliance goals of the organization in the villages Jkh, and Dodian, subsidiaries of the city cherish, killing 31 terrorists, destroying a number of mechanisms, and weapons. " 
It is worth mentioning that the joint bombing executed by troops Turkish fighter jets international coalition against "Daash" sites north of Aleppo, significantly contributed to the extension of the Syrian opposition control of the towns and villages of Kafr two dogs, and Jibreen, and Sndev, and Dodian, and Kafr Berisha in this region, which paved the way to open a corridor between the cities "Izaz" and "Mare`", after a piece by regulation the end of May / May last year. 
between now and then, witnessing the state , "Cleese" Turkish adjacent to the Syrian border, the fall of the rocket - propelled grenades, from the control of the organization "Daash sites , " some of whichresulted in a number of deaths and injuries among civilians. 

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