Sunday 5 June 2016

President of the Philippines calls on his countrymen to kill drug dealers

Manila (Ina) Philippine President - elect called on the population of the country to help in thefight against crime and urged citizens who possess firearms to kill drug dealers, if theyresisted arrest or extradite them to the authorities. 
He said Rodrigo Dottirta, in front of a large crowd was celebrating his victory in thepresidential election late on Saturday evening in the city of Davao , southern Philippines, said that citizens who Cisateke in a bloody war against crime "rewarded", according to Sky News quoted an Arab from the "Associated Press". 
He won Dottirta, who served as mayor of Davao for a long time, presidential elections were held on the ninth of May thanks to a bold promise to the eradication of crime and corruption within six months of his presidency. 
found this promise echo among Filipinos who are fed up with crime, it is that many of thepolicemen they see as a pledge impossible to implement. 
crossed advocacy groups human rights concern that his quest leads anti-crime to human rights abuses and widespread. 

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