Sunday 5 June 2016

"FAW": the Convention to Combat Illegal Fishing enter into force

ROME (Ina) - The United Nations Food and Agriculture "FAO", that an international agreement is " thefirst binding global treaty fishing to combat illicit" came into force on Sunday in about thirty countries after its approval in 2009. 
The agreement , which provides for the "prevention of the cordon and the abolition of illegal fishing and undeclared and unregulated ", became his legal value in countries such as Iceland, Norway, Australia, Cuba, South Africa, Somalia and Thailand. 
but the major countries in the global market for fishing did not sign the agreement, namely China and Japan. 
said Jose Graziano da Silva, Director - General FAO, which is based in Rome, "It 's a wonderful day in the context of the continuing efforts aimed at a permanent fishing can secure food for the world ofguarantee." 
he called on the governments of countries not signatory to the agreement to do this step in order to"end the illegal fishing and ensure the survival of marine wealth . " . 
She explained the organization, that the signatory parties to the agreement are obliged to take certain measures in ports in order to "poaching monitoring, preventing the unloading and sale of fish that are caught illegally, and to ensure the sharing of information on ships violation on a global level." 
supposed to get foreign fishing vessels We want to enter any port prior authorization, and to provide specific information about the identities and activities and the fish found on board. And it will not allow any suspicious vessel entering any port. You can also unload or refueled rejected.

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