Friday 3 June 2016

Palestinians in Lebanon are threatening to step up protests against the "UNRWA"

BEIRUT (Ina) - threatened factions and popular committees Palestinian in Lebanon to escalate their movements protest that did not decline the United Nations Agency for Relief and Works Agency forPalestine Refugees (UNRWA) for its decisions to reduce medical and hospital assistance to Palestinian refugees. 
Declared Palestinian factions and popular committees that are moving uniformly against the decisions (UNRWA ) as the crisis management cell , it would not retreat from its moves until UNRWA go back on its decisions , which she described Balzalmh right of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. 
she stressed factions and committees, during a press conference, to defend the rights of Palestinian refugees, and warned of the continuation of (UNRWA) to reduce its humanitarian services, announced refusing to retreat from the demands of the Palestinian people or waived. 
She pointed out that the Palestinian political leadership held a meeting with the general manager (UNRWA) in Lebanon Matthias north, has been north of handing a memorandum to all the demands of the Palestinian refugees. 
and confirmed its commitment to continue the dialogue with (UNRWA) to find a solution of the crisis, and he stressed that if no agreement is written and agreed with the Department (UNRWA) , it will go towards the escalation of the protest movements, stressing that he still has a lot of procedures that can be used. 

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