Thursday 2 June 2016

"Islamic Development" calls for strengthening cooperation in the fields of science, technology and innovation between Member States

Jeddah (Ina) - participated Islamic Development Bank Group in the General Assembly of theStanding Committee of science and technology "COMSTECH" of 15, which was held in Islamabad in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan during the period from May 31 to June 1, 2016 AD Cooperation meeting, preceded by the Executive Committee of the Meeting 30 of COMSTECH on May 30, 2016 m. , 
and the head of the General Assembly meeting of the President of Memnon Hussein ,President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan General Bhoudoraloman of the Organization ofIslamic cooperation Iyad bin Amin Madani, the head of the Islamic development Bank Group , Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Ali, and several ministers and senior government representatives approaching responsible for promoting Science, technology and innovation in the Member States. 
as Houdralajtmaa number of the Organization of Islamic cooperation and the relevant international institutions , foundations, where participants reviewed the challenges facing the promotion of science, technology and innovation in the Member and solutions State and related policies. 
He was Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali during his speech at the session opening, my sincere thanks and appreciation to the President of the Republic of Pakistan Committee chairman COMSTECH, a leader for his efforts to promote the agenda of science, technology and innovation in the Muslim world, ensuring a prominent place for these vital issues within thedevelopment priorities of the countries of Organization of Islamic cooperation, praising theGeneral Coordinator of the COMSTECH Secretariat staff of COMSTECH great efforts they are making in order to promote science and technology in the OIC countries through anumber of programs and activities that are implemented for the benefit of the SCO member states. 
he added that the meeting was an opportunity to strengthen cooperation in the field ofscience, technology and innovation, stressing the bank 's commitment to continue its efforts in this direction under the auspices of COMSTECH , Mhddaaly that scientific and technological progress in the world today has become a prerequisite for social and economic development in our Member States, and the advances in science, technology and innovation determines how fast you can states through which the expansion of social and economic development of the scale and that this progress is one of the determinants ofmajor change people 's lives for the better. 
the President of the Bank Group to be close cooperation between the IDB and COMSTECH will enable both organizations to achieve visions and common goals for Ttoerotttbaiq science and technology for social and economic development of members of the Organization of Islamic cooperation countries, stressing the full support of the Bank Group to the recommendations of the meeting.

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