Thursday, 18 February 2016

44,100 jobs for foreigners every month

RIYADH: A total of 256,600 foreign workers were employed in the Kingdom in the second half of 2015, according to the General Authority for Statistics.
That means an average of 44,100 foreign workers were being hired monthly during that period, according to the report.
It said that 682,200 people were without work over that period, with foreigners making up 33,200 or 4.9 percent. 
The number of unemployed foreigners dropped by 2,300 to 33,200, compared to 35,500 during the first half of 2015.
Data showed that 11.48 million foreign employees were in the Kingdom — or 56.7 percent of the total number of employees — by the end of 2015.
In contrast, the number of unemployed Saudis totaled 647,000 or 95.1 percent of the total number of those without work in the Kingdom. There were 4.98 million Saudi nationals employed, or 43.3 percent of the total number of employees in the country.
Unemployment among citizens fell to 11.5 percent in the second half of 2015 compared to 11.6 percent in the first half of the year.
Most non-Saudi male workers were employed in wholesale and retail businesses, with motor vehicle and motorcycle repairs making up about 20.9 percent, followed by the building and construction sector at about 18.9 percent.
The lowest proportion of non-Saudi workers was recorded among those working in foreign organizations, at about 0.2 percent.
Most foreign women work as domestic workers, at 82.6 percent, with only 8 percent in health and social services.

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