Saturday 11 June 2016

Twenty people were killed in a bomb Sayeda Zeinab area, south of Damascus

BEIRUT (Ina) - Twenty people were killed, including 13 civilians , at least, on Saturday, was killed by two suicide bombings, targeted Sayeda Zeinab south of Damascus area. 
He said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdul - Rahman, " the death toll rose because of the suicide bombings in Mrs. area Zainab to twenty people , at least, they are distributed among the 13 civilians and seven militants loyal forces the system deployed in the region , "according toAgence France - Presse. 
according to the Syrian news agency" SANA "for its part, that" in the Sayeda Zeinab district number ofvictims of terrorist bombings has risen to 12 dead and 55 wounded, including women and children , and injured some of them dangerous. " 
the agency quoted a source in Damascus police , " the leadership of the two terrorist bomb attacks occurred Saturday in the town of Sayeda Zeinab, the first suicide bomber with an explosive belt blew himself up at the town entrance toward Alveabih, and the second was carried out by a suicide car bomb in fig Street on the outskirts of the town. " 
adopted a regulation Daash, according to the news brief published by the agency , " the depths "of his operation.

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